JavaScript Candlestick Chart

javascript candlestick chart

The API provides you with numerous options to respond to user actions like change colors, labels, show tool tips. Panning and zooming is enabled by default and you will be amazed how smooth they are performed even on charts with large data points. The ChartJS library provides modules for creating candlestick charts. It also supports generating OHLC (Open High Low Close) charts. Creating candlestick charts in JavaScript is easy and convenient and HTML canvases are a great solution for small and interactive elements on a website. MindFusion JS Chart combines 2D and 3D charts, financial graphs, gauges and dashboards.

  • Candlestick charts are widely used in technical analysis of price movement patterns.
  • The series-specific label settings override the common ones.
  • It also supports generating OHLC (Open High Low Close) charts.
  • We are using Highcharts, now for those who don’t know, Highcharts is a Javascript and HTML5 based chart library that is paid product for commercial use.

Do you have trading data, looking for a way to effectively visualize it for your website or app project? This tutorial will break down the process needed to create such a chart into simple steps and provide a detailed explanation of the code. Because candlestick charts over longer time periods can encompass big price ranges, it’s nice to get additional details by hovering over the chart. When you move the mouse a crosshair follows its positions and highlights the exact time and price value at the edges. It also snaps to the candles on the time axis and the hovered candle changes its color. Finally, a small popup with the exact opening, closing, high, and low price of the hovered candle appears next to it.

API Links

Describes settings supported by a series of the candlestick type. Include ej2.min.js script and material.css files in your sample. It contains all dependencies to render the candlestick chart. More functionalities and features are there in the ChartJS module. An HTML canvas layer has been created to render the output candlestick chart. In this article, we will see JavaScript code for creating a candlestick chart using ChartJs.

When a user selects a point, its series may react in one of the following ways depending on the value of the selectionMode property. Data points that have the null value do not produce actual series points. Because of this, series may be drawn with javascript candlestick chart unnecessary gaps where missing points should have been. To remove these gaps, set the ignoreEmptyPoints property to true. When a user pauses on a series, it may react in one of the following ways depending on the value of the hoverMode property.

Step 4: Write the JS candlestick chart code

Both these charts look mostly similar but differ in showing the ‘open’ and ‘close’ points. A fun project to detect patterns in financial charts and add custom conditional logic for the patterns for trading. Creating interactive charts for apps and sites with the help of dedicated JavaScript libraries for data visualization is not complicated at all, is it?

Chart js uses a universal Series interface, which provides data for all chart types. This approach greatly simplifies programming and allows easy implementation of various data types including custom data objects. The library ships with a predefined set of all common data types – numbers, DateTime values and XML data. Also called a Japanese candlestick chart, this chart type is one of the most popular forms of financial and stock data visualization.

JS Chart

Each candlestick represents information about the open, high, low, and close price of the day. Candlestick charts are widely used in technical analysis of price movement patterns. Themes are built in for the js chart and you can create the desired color scheme and reuse it whenever you want on any chart type.

We have seen many examples of creating ChartJS JavaScript charts. If you are new to the ChartJS library, how to create a bar chart is a simple example for getting started. The candlestick and OHLC charts are for showing financial data in a graph.


Declared in commonSeriesSettings, hoverStyle applies to all series in the chart. Declared in a series configuration object, hoverStyle applies to this particular series only. When there are multiple value axes in a chart, series need to know exactly which axis they are bound to. By default, all of them are bound to the first axis in the valueAxis array. To bind a series to another axis, assign the name of the axis to the axis series property.

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The Chart provides several aggregation methods, which differ depending on the series type, and a capability to implement a custom aggregate function. To enable data aggregation for the series, set the aggregation.enabled property to true. So far I have a candlestick graph but the user cannot customise the date range to do this I would need to change the api url this is the documentation for my api. JavaScript initiates the financial class instance to generate a candlestick chart by pointing to this canvas as a target.

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